Alfheim's Man of
La Mancha "Lotec"
Well as you can see this is a different design from what you are used to with the Delirious design. And your right, but this page is also dedicated to something different: our Italian Greyhound "Lotec".
It all started in 1998 while being on holiday in America visiting a dog show and there we came across a ring full with little whippets. Soon it turned out they where Italian Greyhounds, but so different in outline, color and markings from the European Italian Greyhounds we knew, it was easy to understand why we took them for little whippets. We fell in love instantly and said to each other: one day we will be the owners of a American IG...
Meanwhile 10 years are gone and in those 10 years we kept saying we would love to own a American Italian Greyhound one day. Over the years we kept a close eye of what lines and kennels we liked. And one thing we knew for sure; it had to be a IG with Irish markings. Due to Daisy returning to her breeder, the death of 16 year old Twinkel and 13 year old Soelay at the begin of 2007 and Mike gaining old age (11 years) we decided we could use some new spirit in our house. So time for our long awaited IG!
Lotec 7 maanden oud (met dank aan Astrid Knaap voor haar werk aan de foto!) |
10 weken en net bij ons in huis |
17 weken |
8 weken |
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6 weken | 4 weken | 1 dag oud |
Lotec is born at the west coast of America and bred by Stephanie & Avery McLeod (Alfheim). Stephanie & Avery are top sighthound lovers and are trying, just as we do, to breed nice dogs who are capable to course as well. As they put it; form and function. The way they keep and raise their dogs was something we liked from the start, so when we knew they decided to breed their lovely Lucy (CH Kimson's Charmed I'm Sure) to Remo (Intl/Am Ch Littleluv's Obsession, SC) we didn't have to think twice. Lotec was born on April 17 2007 in a litter of 3 boys and 2 girls. All the puppies from this litter has gotten names of Tony winning musicals. so Lotec's official name is: Alfheim's Man of La Mancha. Lotec can not be shown due to his amount of white (to much) according to FCI standard. In America, England, Australia and other non FCI country's more colors and more white is allowed. But we intend to course with Lotec. Late 2007 we had Lotec neutered, since we don't want to breed IG's and he has taken his first steps towards coursing. And he LOVES coursing!
And now about the cars on this special page and the name Lotec. A Lotec is the fastest car still allowed on the public road. This car is something special and fast, just as we see an American Iggy. That's why: LOTEC!